Uses of Interface

Uses of Visitable in net.vleu.visitomatic

Methods in net.vleu.visitomatic with parameters of type Visitable
<R> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask<R>
VisitorRunner.futureVisit(Visitor visitor, Visitable visitable)
          Return a FutureTask that analyzes the provided Visitable, extracts the fields annotated by ToVisit and uses them as argument to call a method annotated by VisitingMethod from the Visitor
 java.lang.Object[] VisitableReader.readValues(Visitable visitable)
          Reads the values from fields and methods marked with ToVisit in the provided Visitable and returns them as an array of objects.
protected  void VisitableReader.readValues(Visitable visitable, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Reads the values from fields and methods marked with ToVisit in the provided Visitable and put their value in the provided array of objects.
Overloading this method allows to change the way values are allocated.
<R> R
VisitorRunner.visit(Visitor visitor, Visitable visitable)
          Analyzes the provided Visitable, extracts the fields annotated by ToVisit and uses them as argument to call a method annotated by VisitingMethod from the Visitor

Constructor parameters in net.vleu.visitomatic with type arguments of type Visitable
VisitableReader(java.lang.Class<? extends Visitable> visitableClass)
          Builds a new VisitableReader.
A VisitableReader built for a class can be used many times for all instances of this class.